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Head Music (2CD+DVD Special Edition)
Head Music (2CD+DVD Special Edition)

歌手: Suede

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Head Music (2CD+DVD Special Edition) [CD] 
售价($): HK$152 (US$)

英国著名乐队 Suede 的经典专辑 "Head Music",荣登权威音乐媒体 Melody Muker 的 1999 年 "年度最佳专辑" 榜首。现推出 2CD+DVD Special Edition,2CD 收录 36 首歌曲,且全数由 Sude 亲自重新混音制作。CD1 收录 1999 年原专辑+4首队员个人私藏的 Demo,CD2 收录16 首单曲 B-Side 作品+ 3 extra tracks (包括 1 首未曾发行的作品。)
DVD 长达 86 分钟,收录 5 首 Music Video+专辑录制作花絮+1999 现场演唱电视专辑+2011 年乐队专访等珍贵片段!
32 页写真歌词附册,包含所有单曲封面+手稿歌词+未曾曝光的私藏照片!

CD 1
1. elecmicity
2. sawoir fairo
3. can't get enough
4. everything witl flow
5. down
6. she's in fashion
7. asbesios
8. head music
9. elephant
10. hi-fi
11. indian strings
12. he's gase
13. crack in the unson jack
14. indian strings [brett's original & track demo]
15. everything will flow [proiocol demo]
16. he's gone [protocol demo]
17. she's in fashion [protocol demo]

CD 2
The B-Side
1. leaving
2. popstar
3. killer
4. implement yeah!
5. waderloa
6. see that girl
7. bored
8. pieces of my mind
9. jubilee
10. god's gift
11. seascape
12. crackhead
13. let go
14. since you went away
15. situations
16. read my mind
extra tracks
17. poor little rich girl [feahxing raissa]
18. hermin
19. music like sex [previously unreleased]

Singles videos
1. electricity
2. she's in fashion
3. can't get enouh
4. everything will flow
5. can't gey enough [loustralian edition]
Bonus videos 7. she [black sesion, paris]
Head music, Sude all Porivale, 16th April 1999
1. she's in fashion
2. electricity
3. everything will flow
4. beautiful ones
5. indian strings
6. savoir faice
7. crack in the union jack
8. saturday night
bonus dvd feature
brett Anderson, Richard ceskes and nell codiling 2011 Interview, Including film inserts by simon gilbert
数量: X
存货状态: 订货(3至6天出货)
(运费 3.0 货运单位(DU)计算)

总数: 1


狗·星·人 - 山羊皮乐队 (中国版)
Dog Man Star - Suede (China Version)


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US$1 = HK$7.8
RMB$1 = HK$1.1



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