When Academy Award winners Walter Mathau and Robin Williams team up as a pair of lovable losers pursued by a psychopathic killer, you can bet that madness and mayhem are not far behind.
Donald Quinelle (Williams), a rising sales executive, is sacked by his boss's pet parrot the same day that Sonny Paluso (Matthau) watches his gas station go up in flames. Drowning their sorrows at a coffee shop, the two New Yorkers disarm a would- be bandit Jack Locke (Jerry Reed), and briefly become media heroes- then quickly learn about the price and perils of survival in an insane world. Jack is freed by a bureaucratic slipup and goes gunning for Sonny and Donald, who discover that their survival depends on their friendship at all costs.
The Survivors[DVD] (日期:2008-08-04)
地区码: 1
碟數: 1
地区码: 3
音效: Dolby Digital
屏幕: Letter Box
影像: NTSC
字幕: 中文(繁體),韓文,英文,泰文,法文,西班牙文,葡萄牙文
語言: 法語