(TUNNEL MEDIA LTD commented on Tunnel, The)
Content: 5 Stars for this BRILLIANT film !!!
[ 29 Jul 2013 13:49:19 GMT ]

(TUNNEL MEDIA commented on Tunnel, The)
Content: I meant to give the review below 5 stars!! There God Damn It!! Barry
[ 3 Jul 2013 15:33:35 GMT ]

(TUNNEL MEDIA commented on Tunnel, The)
Content: Well, it's 1 year later, and still no sign of a new DVD release anywhere in the world for "The Tunnel". This is a a shame, but I am now quite satisfied, at this point, with simply the blessing of having my Fordwell / Fortex copies to view. I have now almost finished setting up (what my ex-girlfriend used to call) my "Shrine Room", a home theater area of my apartment dedicated exclusively to viewing the Fordwell / Fortex DVD of "The Tunnel". I do not own a single copy of the wretched "Garry's Trading Company" version!! I still hold out hope for a new DVD release of "The Tunnel", but as I stated above, for now, I'll keep viewing the long out-of-print Fordwell /Fortex version. Thank God for it !!! Barry
[ 3 Jul 2013 15:29:40 GMT ]

(THE TUNNEL DVD commented on Tunnel, The)
Content: As of this writing, no new release is available for "The Tunnel" DVD. The horribly transferred "Garry's Trading Company" version is long out-of-print, and I was hoping to see someone else step up to the plate and release this magnificent film... Until then, we will have to stick to viewing our Fortex / Fordwell Holdings version...Thank God for them!! Barry
[ 7 Jul 2012 22:48:08 GMT ]

(Barry Wilson commented on Tunnel, The)
Content: Thanks for your comments below guys!! 5 Motherfucking Stars!!!
[ 10 Sep 2010 00:55:43 GMT ]

(Manuel de Blas commented on Tunnel, The)
Content: I had a great time making "The Tunnel" with Peter too...and thanks so much Barry!! I agree with you that hopefully we will eventually get another great Hong Kong transfer of "The Tunnel" just like the one "Fortex" released!!!
[ 10 Sep 2010 00:53:55 GMT ]

(Barry Wilson commented on Tunnel, The)
Content: I agree with Peter Weller below!! "Fortex" was the best, but now that they're gone, let's get another decent transfer of "The Tunnel" released in Hong Kong!! GO TO HELL "GARRY'S TRADING COMPANY"!!!!!
[ 10 Sep 2010 00:49:48 GMT ]

(Peter Weller commented on Tunnel, The)
Content: 5 FUCKING STARS!!
[ 10 Sep 2010 00:46:20 GMT ]

(Peter Weller commented on Tunnel, The)
Content: Sorry, I meant to leave 5 Stars below instead of 3!!
[ 10 Sep 2010 00:44:47 GMT ]

(Peter Weller commented on Tunnel, The)
Content: I had a great time filming this movie on location in Buenos Aires, and also working with guys like Manuel de Blas and Fernando Rey was not only a blast but a true honor!! My thanks to Barry Wilson below for pointing out that Hong Kong was the first region that indeed had the incredible balls to release my movie on DVD!! I also agree with him in that the "Garry's Trading Company" version sucks and that the discontinued "Fortex" version was the best!! Hopefully, another distributor, such as "Kam and Ronson", who released my films "Prey" and "Top of the World" both in Hong Kong will grab the rights to release "The Tunnel" DVD next, and then we'll have another excellent release like the "Fortex" version, and we can tell "Garry's Trading Company" where to stick their lousy half-assed transfer of "The Tunnel"!! Thanks again Barry!!...Thank you "Fortex"!!...And Thank You HONG KONG!!
[ 10 Sep 2010 00:41:40 GMT ]

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Total Number of Records: 12