Duration: 145 mins
@ "Battles might be won or lost, but our power to fight, to keep ourselves alive rested on the outcome of the struggle for control of the Atlantic."
@@Winston Churchill The Battle of the Atlantic was a fight for Britain's very survival. From 1939 until 1942, Hitler's submarines - his "Grey Wolves" - threatened to starve Britain into submission by preventing ships from carrying food, raw materials, troops and their equipment from North America.
@@By 1942, just a handful of U-boats had brought Britain to the brink of defeat - over 30,000 merchant seamen had lost their lives. Only the capture of an Enigma machine and the invention of radar could spur a fightback. As the tables turned in the struggle for control of the Atlantic's "saltwater highways" over 85% of U-boat crews would lose their lives.
@@Through eye-witness accounts, dramatic reconstructions and a wealth of archive material, the compelling story unfolds of the longest, and one of the most bitterly fought campaigns of World War II.