Director: Lau Chun Ming David Producer: Takkie Yeung and Sui Kin Hing Joseph
Content: Compulsive gambler Park has written off huge debts from the loan sharks, with the support his brother Chung, Park has managed to find work as a janitor at the hospital where Chung is a resident doctor. But Park has never shredded off the gambling habit, and has accumlated more debts By accidnet, Park witness the rape murder of a paraplegic patient. Just before the victim dies, she gives Park a piercing final stare. Since then, the spirit of the victim has been haunting Park, wanting to him to tell her who the murder is . But Park just uses the ghost's paranormal powers to reap winnings from gambling. The ghost gets tired of Park using her, starts to revenge by killing off those around Park; the loan shark, Chung's girlfriend. Journalist Yin has also fallen victim to this viscous circle, whom Park has g