Affectionately directed by Gosha Hideo, the renowned creator of Three Outlaw Samurai and 226, Heat Wave gives an immense portrayal of human sins and vainness of life. Jojima Orin is orphaned when Tsunejiro cruelly murders her father. She is later adopted by the Kosuji family, which runs a large restaurant called Yagumo in Kumamoto, and becomes a gambler just like her father once was. Orin meets Tsunejiro again in a gambling party when she resolves to confront the Iwabune mob and take back Yagumo that rightfully belongs to her brother?Heat Wave features the Japanese Film Academy Best Actress Higuchi Kanako (of Ronin-gai and Bed Time Eyes), as the gambling expert Orin and Motoki Masahiro (of Sumo Do, Sumo Don?t) as Orin?s brother, Ichitaro. Both grievous and compelling, the film is considered as another of Gosha?s masterworks.