Francois Pignon, whose wife divorced him and son despises him as a nobody, is the most boring employee at the condom factory, a meek accountant who seems so unnecessary that he's told he'll be fired after 20 years of loyal service.
His new gay neighbor, Belone proposes a way for Francois to keep his job: He must pretend to be gay. That way, the condom company will be terrified of bad publicity if it fires him. The news spreads instantly, and Pignon's office mates now interpret his inhibited behavior as just a cover-up.
Bertrand, his superior, found him boring when he was straight but sexy now that he's gay and wants to seduce him. and the rugby-playing Santini, who picked on Pignon when he though he was a sissy, now tries to save his own job by taking the accountant out to lunch and being nice to him - suspiciously nice, some might think.