Inspired by an assortment of well-known characters from various Chinese fairy tales, THE LOVE STORY IN THE FANTASYLAND focuses on the Golden Child, The Hundred Flowers Fairy, The Wind God, and the Rain Master. They descended to earth and transformed into mortals, in hopes of ending their never-ending love trifles. As they wander across exotic lands, the four fairies find themselves enduring human sufferings and changing the course of history through their interaction with emperors, scholars, and commoners. Can they eventually transcend themselves, resolve their differences and return to the heavens? THE LOVE STORY IN THE FANTASYLAND is filled with vivid images and colourful tableaux in the tradition of the famous fable JOURNEY TO THE WEST, and is an eye-popping fantasy epic for all ages.
Love Story In The Fantasyland, The (Vol. 1-30 - TV Box Set)[VCD] (Date: 2003-01-23)
Publisher:City Connection Ltd
Screen: 1.33:1
No of Disk: 28
Region Code: All
Languages: Cantonese,Mandarin
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional)
Audio: Mono
Video: NTSC