Set in southern China in the 1990s, the film follows detective Zhong Cheng as he tracks the "Eagle Gang", a sophisticated, well-trained, and ruthless group of robbers led by gangster Zhang Sun (codename "Falcon"), over the course of years.[4][5][6][7] The gang members commit a series of horrendous crimes, and Zhang Sun taunts the detective by pulling down his mask to show his face. A cat-and-mouse game ensues as Zhong Cheng works to find the gang.[8] The chase ends with a shirtless battle between Zhong Cheng and Zhang Sun in a bathhouse.[9]
The film is based on a real string of robberies and murders committed by Zhang Jun, who was dubbed "China's number one outlaw" when he was active in the 1990s. Zhang Jun killed or injured around 50 people before being apprehended in September 2000 and executed the next year.
No of Disk: 1
Duration: 100 Mins
Screen Resolution: 1080p
Screen: 2.40:1
Region Code: 3
Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional), Chinese(Simplified), English
Audio: Dolby Digital EX,Dolby Digital 5.1
Rating: IIB
Video: NTSC
No of Disk: 1
Duration: 100 Mins
Screen Resolution: 1080p
Screen: 2.40:1
Region Code: A
Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional), Chinese(Simplified), English
Audio: Dolby Digital EX,DTS-HD MA 5.1
Rating: IIB
Video: NTSC