Mocha, a cat named Cafe in Akihabara, is managed by Cherry Sakura Warmhearted. Every day, all kinds of people come to Cafe to seek the comfort of the cat, hoping to stay away from the noise and relax.
Zhibao is a member of the women's singing and dancing group. She loves kittens very much and often visits Cafe. Zhibao's relationship with other members of the group is not very good. She plans to withdraw from her lonely life.
Desolate masterpiece Mu Ming visited Cafe, hoping to overcome the obstacle of fear of cats and break the barrier between her daughter and her lovely cat.
Sha Shi's mother is a dementia patient. She not only forgot about big and small affairs, but also lost her temper at random from time to time, which made Sha Shi very sad. But deep in the memory, the cat has a great relationship with Sha Shi and his mother. Sakura Sakura, the shop owner who always smiled and welcomed people, also had an unforgettable past, which made her heart very painful.