Synopsis: Swallowing his pride as a once venerated sea captain, Kang pays a visit to human trafficking broker Yeo. He decides to take on a dangerous job smuggling illegal migrants into South Korea. From then on, the Junjin crew is thrust into the world of smuggling previously unknown to them as naive fishermen. The crew consists of Wan-Ho, the kindly engineer who lives on the boat to hide from debt collectors; Ho-young, the ship's second-in-command and the captain's loyal right-hand man; Kyung-koo, the foul-mouthed drum winch technician who values money over everything; Chang-wook, the slightly dim-witted deckhand who has trouble containing his animal urges; and Dong-sik, the youngest deckhand who was recently brought on board. The five crew members dream of returning home with a boat full of fish, and they leave port unaware of the captain's intentions. But they soon realize that their captain has enlisted them in a smuggling run without their knowledge.