This delightful animation DVD tells stories of key moments in
the life of Christ, making an ideal introduction to the story of Jesus
to young children.
1. The First Christmas
Relive the events surrounding Mary and Joseph to a lowly manger in Bethlehem and
rejoice the fulfillment of God's promise as angels proclaim that Jesus is born!
2. Jesus the Storyteller
His teachings of repentance, forgiveness and God's great love for us were brought to
life in the stories of 'The Good Samaritan' and 'The Prodigal Son'.
3. Jesus the Miracle Worker
Witness thrilling accounts of how Jesus calmed the raging waters of a mighty storm
and fed five thousand people with only five loaves of bread and two fishes.
4. Jesus the Healer
Marvel at the stories of Jesus caring and healing people of all walks of life, including
those shunned by others and how a dead girl came to life with a touch from Jesus.
5. The First Easter
This episode beings with the prosecution of Jesus and charts his painful and difficult
journey to Golgotha, the place of execution and tells us the true meaning of Easter.