The woman whom other gangsters call "Big Brother"- loses her memory. On a rooftop in the middle of a thick urban forest of skyscrapers, the Mantis gang, living legends of the underworld, is engaged in a bloody battle with rival gang members. When things are looking very bad for the Mantis gang, a deafening roar announces the arrival of a helicopter overhead. It's Cha Eun-jin, the woman who conquered the male-dominated realm with only a pair of her lethal scissors.
The woman who'll thoughtfully trim your tough noodles with scissors- "How are you, I'm Shu-shu." However, Eun-jin is attacked by an opponent and falls off the rooftop. She survives but sustains serious head injuries and remembers nothing of her past. She is discovered by Jae-chul (Park Joon-kyu), a Chinese restaurant cook, and ends up devliering food on a scooter for "Fusion Chinese Restaurant Shu." The White Sharks return and the final face-off ensues! Having forgotten that she was a born fighter, Eun-jin lives a peace