Though Marilyn has worked with Rory Calhoun before (in HOW TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE),THERIVER OF NO RETURN was the first time she was teamed with Robert Mitchum,and cast in a rugged outdoor drama which demanded more of her than just looking sexy .Apparently she had no trouble at all with the chang.In fact,Mitchum later noted that,while she had all the sex appeal he expected,he was far more impresed with her courage,saying she took rishs in the business who is as brave. 'Mitchum was speaking from firsthand experience. During filming on the isolated river locations, he twice rescued this leading lady from genuinely dangerous predicaments. for her part, Marilyn reveled in both the danger and her tough co-stars. In previous films she had dazzled characters who were well-mannered gentlemen. Now she exulted, 'It's wonder-ful to play opposite a guy you can't
大江東去[Blu-ray] (日期:2020-07-01)
發行商:20th Fox Home Entertainment
碟數: 1
地區碼: A
音效: Dolby Digital 2.0,DTS-HD MA 5.1,Dolby Digital 1.0,DTS 5.1,DTS-HD Master Audio
影像: NTSC
字幕: 中文(繁體), 英文, 泰文, 西班牙文
語言: 英語, 法語, 俄語