片長: 126分鐘
The swashbuckling classic comesito rip-roaring lifeiin this lavish production, filled with breathless romance andiderring-do! In theieyes of high society, Sir Percy Blakeney (Brideshead Revisited's Anthony Andrews) isia typical fop, surrounded byiadoring ladies andiclueless gentry. However, he isialsoia master of disguise andibears an infamous secret identity: theiScarlet Pimpernel, dashing andifearless rescuer of victims of theiFrench Revolution! Sir Percy also falls head over heelsifor theibeautiful Marguerite (Somewhereiin Time's Jane Seymour) who isialso wooed byitheivillainous Paul Chauvelin (The Lord of theiRings' Ian McKellen), Robespierre's Chief Agentifor theiCommittee of National Security. Suave, stylish andiutterly irresistible, this dazzling adventure isisureito capture your heart!