試機碟:Wings Of Swiss Air Force
發行商:Sino Field Holding Ltd.
碟數: 1
屏幕: 1.33:1
片長: 55分鐘
地區碼: All
音效: Dolby Digital 2.0
影像: NTSC
字幕: 沒有字幕
語言: 英語
In 1991,to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Swiss Surveillance Command,the largest airshow in Swiss history was held at Pairen Air Base. Because of Swiss neutality,staging an air show had benn very difficult as most foreign flying teams were not allowed in.However,within the last decade those restriction have been relaxed This program includes aircraft rarely seen in the West,including the Russian Mi-24 Hind Attack Helicopter,arguably the best in the world,as well as some of the most popular aircraft around including the F-18 Hornet.
試機碟: Wings Of JSDF:Challenger P&S
發行商:Sino Field Holding Ltd.
碟數: 1
屏幕: 4:3
地區碼: All
音效: Dolby Digital 5.1
影像: NTSC
語言: 英語
內容: There's much more to the JSDF than fighter jets. In this second in the JSDF series,the majesty of non-fighter planes is showcased.The breath-taking maneuvers of acrobatic teams such as Bluce Impulse and the Dolphin Riders are seen from the cockpits of their planes.Also included is the last flight on one of Japan's best trainer planes,the T2.See Kawasaki's C-1 transport plane belie its huge size and prove to be a very agile plane.
試機碟: Wings Of JSDF-Hunters
發行商:Sino Field Holding Ltd.
碟數: 1
屏幕: 1.33:1
片長: 55分鐘
地區碼: All
音效: Dolby Digital 2.0
影像: NTSC
字幕: 沒有字幕
語言: 英語
內容: Emblazoned with a cobra on their tail wings,seven F-15DJ Aggressor attack jets make a grand apperarance. These are the planes of the Japan Self Defense Forces ,the supersonic hunters which defedn Japan and seek out their prey.Get compelet coverage of air-to-air combat between Japan;s Mainline defense planes
試機碟:Wing Of JSDF:Raptores
發行商:Sino Field Holding Ltd.
碟數: 1
屏幕: 1.33:1
片長: 59分鐘
地區碼: All
音效: Dolby Digital 2.0
影像: NTSC
字幕: 沒有字幕
語言: 英語
內容: Appearing for the first time in this program is Japan's premier defender of the skies,the F15J/DJ Eagle,along with the F-4EJ Phantom II and the F-1, the first fighter produced by Japan agter WWII.Also appearing on this program is Japan's latest experimental advanced fighter the CF-2A/B as well as one of its oldest fighters,the F-104J Starfighter,the first supersonic plane purchased by Japan
試機碟:Frecce Tricolori
發行商:Sino Field Holding Ltd.
碟數: 1
屏幕: 4:3
地區碼: All
音效: Dolby Digital 5.1
影像: NTSC
語言: 英語
內容: The Italian Air Force's Frecce Tricolori acrobat team was established in 1961.Currently the team flies 10 Italian made,Armacchi MB 339A/PAN Jets.Unique to the Frecce Tribolori,it is the only acrobatteam that files 9 plans in formation and 1 plane specifically solo.