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Real Fiction (韓國版)
Real Fiction (Korean Version)

演員: 朱真謨

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On a peaceful afternoon, our distorted lives hidden in it. A girl stared at me. She said I am a good painter, and thats what I havent heard for a long time. She tempts me, saying she will gibe good things to me. But, where she has led me., there was a strange and ruthless man I have never seen before. I could see my image from his eyes that were full of rages and engorged with blood. He urged asking me why I am living like this. He, then, whispers, It is not late. The girl who tore my painting. My girlfriend who is still splendor like flower even after she spent time with other men, the photographer who criticized my painting and used me, the man who is like a snake, the man who snatched my girlfriend and threw her away like an rugged cartoon book. My comrade who fingers the flesh with his blooded hands, and it looks as if he forgot he treated me like that flesh before. How is it possible? Dont anyone know that I am angry? The calm and normal daily lives that are waiting for me like a picture, and


Real Fiction (韓國版) [DVD] 
售價($): HK$82 (US$)

碟數: 1
屏幕: 4:3
地區碼: All
音效: Dolby Digital 5.1
影像: NTSC
字幕: 英文
語言: 韓語
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總數: 1


Happy End(2008)


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RMB$1 = HK$1.1



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