片長: 180分鐘
Celine Dion - "Taking chances" 2008-09 世界巡迥演唱會, 踏足5大洲23個國家及93個城市. 片長3小時的電影"Celine: Through the Eyes of The World" 記錄Celine Dion在這些地方台前幕後的親身經歷, 面對不同種族文化, 工作人員及歌迷, 與世界作一次親密接觸. 歌迷不容錯過.
This special motion picture event gives Dion fans who attended the extremely popular tour - Join Celine as she travels to five continents and 23 countries, Intercutting concert performances with behind the scenes footage, audiences will get the chance to really know Celine, her family, and her co-performers as well as those fans that she meets and performs for around the world.
1. Opening
2. Africa
3. Asia part 1
4. Oceania
5. Asia part 2
6. Europe
7. America
Celine: Through The Eyes of the World (藍光版)[Blu-ray] (日期:2010-05-03)
發行商:Sony Music Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd.