Every Second Counts (CD+DVD) - Plain White T'
Plain White T's 推出CD+DVD新版,特別加入 Billboard No. 1歌曲 《Hey There Delilah》,再附加多首Video之DVD,樂迷不容錯過!
1. Our Time Now
2. Come Back To Me
3. Hate (I Really Don't Like You)
4. You And Me
5. Friends Don't Let Friends Dial Drunk
6. Making A Memory
7. So Damn Clever
8. Tearin' Us Apart
9. Write You A Song
10. Gimme A Chance
11. Figure It Out
12. Let Me Take You There
13. Hey There Delilah
14. Hold On (Bonus Track)
1. Spoke Intro
2. Our Time Now
3. Revenge
4. All That We Needed
5. Stop
6. Friends Don't Let Friends Dial Drunk
7. You And Me
8. Come Back To Me
9. Write You A Song
10. Tearin' Us Apart
11. So Damn Clever
12. Let Me Take You There
13. Hate (I Really Don't Like You)
14. Take Me Away
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